Seriously. I would love to know more about you!
BTW, this tag has been forwarded by a very creative gal, Donna. You can visit her over on her crafty blog, Serenity in Stamping. She was tagged by her very crafty pals, Marilyn and Valita. Can you see why my blogroll list is constantly growing down below? lol!
So here's Monday's Fun Day give-away...
ONE OF A KIND - unmounted
(no wood... what you see is what you get)

A winner will be chosen Friday night
What you need to do to qualify for a chance to win...
You need to list 7 random / weird facts about YOU.
Then tag a few more people. Since I am twisting this a bit, I will let you send some of your friends this way to join in on the fun. Just link this give-away on your blog (or email your friends if you don't have a blog) and "tag" a few friends. Have them do the same. Just be sure to post your link to your blog here with your post of your 7 random / weird facts.
1. Link your blog post here with your answers and tag a few more people.
2. Post your answers here (with brief answers) and then go invite a few friends to do the same.
7 random / weird facts about me...
1. I can not stand it when my husband takes his foot away from the gas/brake pedals. I think he likes to drive on cruise control and just sets his foot back to relax. It's something I noticed yesterday on our drive up to SF and it totally freaked me out. Wierd, eh?
2. Not a weird fact, but a bit unusual for me because I really do love Mia...
Today, I just might kill my cat (or at least give her away) for ruining my packs of new In-Color card stock. Yes. THE brand new In-Color packs of card stock for the new catalog coming out next month. Ruined. All of them. I had a small vase of hydrangeas that my mother had cut from her garden for me to take home from SF. Mia had jumped up on my craft table in the middle of the night and knocked the vase over and the water had sat there. My packs of card stock soaked up the water. Nope... sealed card stock is not water proof.
So if there is no cat when you come home, Kevin...
3. I don't like my food to touch.
4. I don't like going faster than I can run, unless I am driving. For example, I HATE roller coasters. The one (and only) time I have ever ridden a roller coaster, I was SO scared that I braced myself against the side of the ride really hard and bruised my arm and ribcage. They were black and blue for weeks. This was on the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk on the Giant Dipper. Here... take the virtual ride for yourself! It's enough to make me wanna throw up. Stop laughing at me! I know. I'm a wimp.
5. I have three pairs of shoes. A pair of white tennis shoes (which I just replaced recently), a pair of black sandals (bought in Hawaii three years ago), and a pair of black heels (I forget when I bought them). OH! I forgot about my bowling shoes!
6. I live in San Jose, CA but have never been to the Winchester Mystery House, which is just about 8 minutes away from my home! I can't say I have really been to Paramount's Great America either... maybe once way back when I was much younger?
7. I have been rubber stamping and crafting for a little over 2 years now. I started because of post partum depression. It has been great therapy!
Now it's your turn!
Have a terrific week!