I finally met Jana in person when she arrived here and let me tell you, she is just as sweet in person as she has been online. I'm glad you are back here now so that I can get to know you better, Jana! :) You can check out her awesome work over at Jana's Creative Pursuits in Stamping. I just saw that she made a super cute onesie! I'm going back to comment in just a few minutes!
Here's a card that I made for Jana:

A close-up of the window before I attached it to the card:

I have a little "toot" to share. :)
I belong to a Yahoo group for Scor-Pals and this card was part of a "Flap Card Challenge". It was selected to be put on the Yahoo home page! I'm just so pleased as punch over this! lol! The cards submitted for these challenges are all fabulous. Thanks, Scor-Pals!