Happy Mother's Day!

I hope that everyone had a terrific weekend celebrating their mothers and motherhood, even if in memory or thought. I know some of you have mothers who have passed on and some of you have been trying to start a family and I am thinking of you on this day as well.
Kevin and the boys had flowers (picture up above) and cards for me! The boys had handmade cards from Kindergarten and preschool as well. As Keiji's preschool teacher, I don't get many surprises. However, I was out on Wednesday and Friday with bronchitis so I didn't get to participate in the Mother's Day preparations. Keiji gave me fingerprinted flowers in a paper flower pot. Ken had a paper purse that opened up to a handwritten note from him with his picture holding flowers. Simply adorable!
Saturday's class at Memories Live On was great fun, as always.
I took a few pictures...

No... Christine is not trying to lob the bottled water at me. LOL! It does look like it though.
It's late and I need to head off to bed.
However, I did spend a little time at the craft table tonight working on these images as a sneak peek to tomorrow's post.

Are't they darling? These images were created by Claudine Hellmuth (white cat), Lydia Fielder (brown cat) and Suzi Blu (the girl with cat), who donated their art work to help raise money for a project that is near and dear to my heart... saving animals.
Bernie Berlin is runs a no-kill animal shelter called "A Place to Bark" and she is raising funds to help finish off the in-door dog shelter. Where do these cat images come into play? Well, the project is now called "A Place to Bark and Meow" because Lydia and her fur babies, along with Lisa Itatani and her fur babies, have teamed up with Memories Live On to get these images out to you to help raise $5,000+ for a place for the cats to stay. You all know how much I love cats... especially my Mia. :)
Anyways, stay tuned for more coming tomorrow... including another Monday's Fun Day!