I tried as hard as I could to get a good picture of Stephanie but she was always moving around the store (I didn't want to use the flash as much as possible). But I did get some of her fabulous store...

Here's Ken hard at work:

Did you see my title for this post?
A Muse-a-Palooza with Julie Ebersole!
E B E R S O L E !

Seriously... I wasn't sure if I was going to

Dat Julie is DA BOMB!
You can catch up with her on her blog, Paper Trufflez.
Julie, if you are reading this,

You are a treasure! Mwah!

Here's Carolina working away:

Hi, Stephanie!

Last, but not least,
a "Red, White, & Blue Thank You" card for Julie

I made this real quick for Julie before I left for Sacramento.
I thought it was so amazing that someone would take the time to spend their weekend away from their family and friends on a holiday weekend to teach a class in a different state. So from the bottom of my heart, Julie... thank you! I loved the classes and will always carry your energy with me when I teach my classes!