Well, I guess it was a pretty busy May, seeing how I last posted in time for Easter and then there's nothing since then. It's difficult to believe half the year is nearly gone, as we quickly make our way through June.
Since I posted, Kevin flew to Japan, came home, and is currently in Taiwan until Thursday. He is coming home for my birthday. That's right... June 7th. I was just talking with Amy about how weird this year's birthday is for me. I loved turning 30. Getting to 35 was exciting. Now that I am going to be 36, it just feels weird. I'm not sure if it's the number itself or what... can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe someone can clue me in?
A few things that have happened since Easter...
I have been teaching Arts & Crafts to 2-4 yr olds at MACC Preschool on Mondays, and Tot Time to 2 year olds on Tuesdays and Fridays. Ken is wrapping up his first year of preschool at MACC this Thursday. Keiji just finished his Tot Time class today. I will start a 4 week Preview to Preschool class for 3 year olds on June 27th. The in the Fall, another teacher will join me and we will have 2 separate Tot Time classes! I will teach on Wednesdays and Fridays. The other teacher will teach Tuesdays and Thursdays. We even have a couple of teachers slotted to be substitutes! Tot Time is a success! Woo hoo!!! SO relieved!
Ken is now a Junior League Bowler at Homestead Lanes. He is currently the youngest bowler in the Rascals division. Kevin and I are immensely proud of our 4 year old.

He bowls with a 6 pound Eeyore ball without the bumpers. His high game since he started 3 weeks ago is 65. Currently, he is in the summer session with his first bowling team. His other passion is soccer.

Ken loves taking soccer classes with Just 4 Kicks.
The boys went to their first show ever... Sesame Street! You should have seen their faces!

BIG thanks to "Uncle" Darryl for the tickets!!!
Stampin' UP! has come out with the Preview Catalog for the upcoming Fall / Winter Collections Catalog, which is due out on July 1st. I placed my orders for the preview items at midnight, June 1st. My goodies are scheduled to arrive tomorrow! I can not wait! My dear friends and fellow SU! demos, Carolina and Stephanie, are coming over tomorrow night. Hopefully their orders will get to them before they head over, so we can play with our new stamp sets and split the new Rhinestone Brads.
Speaking of SU! Here are a few cards I have made during the past month:

Coming up next:
Instructions on Tri-fold Triangle album, Waterfall card, and Tri-fold photo holder.