Ours was nice and quiet. We stayed close to home. Thanksgiving day was spent with my in-laws and the next day was spent up in San Francisco with my parents, brother, and his children.
Today, we went to Valley Fair Mall to visit Santa Claus. If there is one Santa Claus you MUST visit, it's this one. He is just the best! My boys were both terrified in previous visits but this one... he really takes his time with each child and makes sure that your wait is worth every second. Best example is what happened this morning after we were done with our visit with Santa. The nicest people standing in line behind us had this little girl with them who was so upset at the thought of having to take a photo with Santa. The dad had her in his arms and walked off after a quick visit, letting the mom take care of the older son's visit with Santa.
Here's a picture of Santa looking over the letters that the boy had written for him. One for each member of the family... isn't that sweet?

Then Santa decided he didn't want the little girl to leave like that, so he got up (much to the dismay of the girls who were in charge of photographing... lol!) and he took another few minutes to have the dad and little girl return to the area and have another "chat". She calmed down and was smiling long enough for me to take this adorable picture.

So if you haven't already visited with Santa, go to Valley Fair Mall on Stevens Creek Blvd. You won't be disappointed!
My boys' picture with Santa that I took from the side:

MACC Holiday Boutique:
So most of you know that I'm a preschool teacher at the Moreland Area Community Center Preschool(Eastus Campus). Well, MACC is hosting a Holiday Boutique
on Thursday, 12/4 from 5:30-8PM. 15-20% of all sales will be donated
back to the MACC. This is a great opportunity to pick up some
creative and/or handcrafted gifts for the holidays (or for yourself!)
The event will take place at MACC's Eastus campus, located at 4660
Eastus Drive in San Jose (behind what used to be Rogers Middle School - now EDSS).
The following vendors will be there that evening:
Saratoga Baskets (gift baskets)
Baskets and Bouquets (gift baskets and candy bouquets)
Creative Memories (scrapbooking)
Discovery Toys (toys!)
Georgia Miss (bath and body care)
Martini Giselle (handmade jewelry and soaps)
Saratoga Baskets (gift baskets)
Shepard Scarves (handknit scarves)
Stampin' Up (rubber stamping, scrapbooking, and more!) --> ME :)
Yeah Hello (creative jewelry)
Handmade Totes by Especially Scented
Plus the Girl Scouts will be hosting a bake sale!
You are welcome to visit and shop!
Please stop by and say "hello". :)