Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Good morning, SUNSHINE!

I have received several "awards" over the past couple of years but I have been really bad about passing them on. I mean to get online and pass them on but a day or two passes and before you know it, a month or two has gone by! BIG thanks to all who have passed one this way. I really enjoy receiving them and will do my very best from here on out to pass them on!

With that said, I wanted to share this award with a few friends that I received from my dear friend and talented crafter, Michelle VanWiggeren.

This award has a few rules attached to it:

1) Put the award on your Blog
2) Pass the award on to other bloggers who bring sunshine into your life
3) Link the Nominees in your post
4) Let them know you nominated them by leaving a comment on their blog
5) Share the love and link to the person who gave you the award

I'm sending this award to these blogs because they always inspire me and bring sunshine to my day!

Michelle VanWiggeren (Thank you for the award!)
Jana Weaver (I know you received this from Michelle but I wanted to put you on "The List") ;)

I would include everyone I can think of but then who would you be able to send to? Must leave some room for everyone to play. :)

1 comment:

  1. Awww..thanks, Jane, for passing me this award! Thanks so much for thinking of me and I am glad my work inspire you!
    I always find YOUR creations inspiring, Jane! I may not comment as often but I do check all of your work in Reader!
    Oh, I am really bad with posting awards, RAKs and stuff. So don't feel bad...hehe
    Have a wonderful day, Jane!


I love hearing from you... thank you for making my day!