Friday, November 27, 2009

Christmas Rosie peek

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to share a peek to what I will be posting on Sunday.

Have fun shopping and GOOD LUCK if you are going to go out there with all of the Black Friday shoppers this morning.


  1. Aha - a peek --- Janie, you're so wickedly cute! Keep us in anticipation...cute darling image and I just know the entire package will be stunning coming from you! Black Friday is me hiding indoors...hahaha!! :)

  2. Can't wait to see the whole card...looks adorable!! And I braved the stores this morning since Jack had me up way too EARLY today!!!
    Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful with your boys!!

  3. Can't wait to see!!! And you know I DO NOT like waiting!!! Just like you ;-)
    :) Irina


I love hearing from you... thank you for making my day!