Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy 102nd birthday, "Uncle" Harry Katsuyama!

My father's uncle, Harry Katsuyama, celebrated his 102nd birthday!
It was a wonderful gathering of his immediate and extended family members.
My second cousin, Jana (and Paul) invited everyone to their home for the celebration.
I had a fabulous time catching up with my second cousins, Jana and Sean, and their parents, Jane and Ron.

Kevin and I are not yet in this picture but here are the rest of the family:


I took the picture with my Sony Cyber-shot.
The rest of the pictures are still on my Christmas present from Kevin.


It turns out that the memory stick is not compatible with my computer, so we have to get a external card reader first. Believe me, I was totally floored by this most awesome gift! :)

It's 3:40 in the morning and I'm finally starting to come down from all of the excitement from the family reunion. I'll get to the craft table after catching some zzz's and will post another card or two so come back again later tonight!



  1. How cool is that?! And a great X-mas gift as well! :)

    Did you guys eat traditional Japanese food? I am going to miss that when I move...

  2. Happy Birthday, Uncle Harry! Jane, you should find out what his secret is for living long, bottle it up, and sell it! LOLOLOL! Congrats on your Christmas present. You lucky duck!!!!!

  3. Well please tell your uncle Harry 'Happy Birthday'!!! I know what the secret for living long is....rice, isn't it?! That's what I keep telling myself when I plop it onto my dinner What a FABulous christmas present!!!

  4. Oh, wow...Happy Birthday to your Uncle Harry!

    Fun picture of you and your new camera. Have fun with it!

  5. Happy Birthday Uncle Harry!
    ... and Jane, you must have been a very good girl this year to get such a fabulous present! What a great guy you've got... awesome gift! Have fun with it!

  6. So excited for you! You'll love it and we'll be so lucky to see the results! Glad you had a great reunion!

  7. OMG! No wonder you're on such a "high"! How exciting to get such a great gift! I am just in awe at your "uncle" too. Imagine seeing what he has seen in his lifetime! Even the art of communication has gone through SO many phases, shapes, sizes. Gone from walking to flying to the moon and even that doesn't garner much attention anymore! Wow! Simply amazing!


I love hearing from you... thank you for making my day!