Friday, April 18, 2008

A few pictures to share and a new Monday's Fun Day winner!

Happy Friday, everyone!

I have to apologize for the lack of posts the past couple of weeks.
My migraines are back full force and I have been unable to do very much, other than take care of my boys and do my best to keep the home from looking like a tornado went through it everyday. I think it's time to up the doseage on the Topamax, but I am so worried about the severity of the side effects that I am really hesitant on doing so. If anyone has had any experience with this medication and has been taking it for more than 6 months, please email me!

My oldest proposed to one of my dearest friend's daughter a week ago.
He had warned me that he was going to ask, but I didn't think he would do it. He's only 5! lol! Well, he did and here is the happy couple...


His reasoning for this was that they will not be going to the same Kindergarten in the Fall, and he loves her and will miss her very much. I asked him why he wanted to ask her and not any of the other girls and he said that she's pretty, she likes to play together with him, and he loves her family. Now how can I argue with that? lol!

Here he is playing soccer. It was his first day of soccer and it was just him and five girls.


I did craft a little.
You will be seeing me use this onesie template a lot in the next couple of months.
My friend, Denise, is getting ready to have twins in a month or two.
Here's a card I made for her:


Please visit Lauren's My Time, My Creation, My Stampendence blog for her Onesie Tutorial.

I'm working on another onesie card for another friend, Tia, who is due next week and two more who are due next month. I just can not wait for August when Kari and Shawn are due with their daughter... my niece! A new baby to cuddle!

Now for Monday's Fun Day winner!
A random number picker selected lucky # 27!

Here's the list I have:

1. Pam's Pride
2. Kathy H.
3. Christine
4. Skye
5. jenmarie
6. sandyh50
7. Kathyd
8. Laurel
9. julie a
10. Carolina
11. Allison
12. Fay
13. Debra E.
14. Patty W.
15. jmniffer
16. Linda SS
17. bunny b
18. Ashli
19. tams
20. Amy
21. Rose
22. Gina
23. kim3timemom
24. Catdidit
25. Lea
26. Sara
27. Joanne
28. Kathy B.
29. Veronica
30. Carla
31. Jenn

Congratulations # 27! Woo hoo! Joanne!! Email me!

Everyone else... check back in next week for another round of Monday's Fun Day!
I will also be back with a tutorial on how to use that Stamp-ma-jig!



  1. Congratulatiosn, Joanne!!! I was really surprised by Jane's generosity last week - I'm very happy for you & am sure you will enjoy the goodies.

    Ken, has great taste in girls btw, Jane! I can tell by looking at her that she is kind, smart & joyful. She must have outstanding parents! ;)

    xoxox Amy

  2. Congrats Joanne!
    So sorry to hear about your migraines, I totally empathize with you. I suffer from them too and topamax does not work for me.
    Loved the proposal story they are so cute and grow so fast.
    Hope your migraines get better.

  3. This is adorable! I LOVE it!

  4. Congrats Joanne for winning the candy!
    This is a super cute onesie card you made....I love it. I am definately gonna have to try one of of my friends is pregnant so I'm sure I will try it soon!!! :D

  5. Congrats to Joanne!
    LOOOVE your baby card!

  6. Congrats Joanne!

    What a cute couple!! :)
    And the baby onesie is just adorable!

  7. How sweet your son is. He is going to make a great husband someday. Hope you're feeling better.

  8. Now you will get to 'create' for the upcoming wedding. I am just grinning and grinning from that story -- what a genuine list of reasons for a proposal! I have had migraines for almost 12 years now but haven't wanted to take anything for them except Excedrin Migraine ... I really feel for you. Just from your description I can tell I don't get them with the same severity. I so wish I could wave a wand and make them leave you once and for all!!!

  9. what a miserable thing to suffer from migraine it's horrible used to get them when i was in puberty but grew out of them except for the odd stary twinkles i get now and then
    your son is such a cutey hope you have a new hat for the wedding
    love the onsize card it's lovely
    congrats to joanne and and thanks to you for being so generous
    hope you are feeling on top form soon

  10. Hey, girlie, I have awarded you with The Blog of Distinction! WooHoo!

    xoxox Amy


I love hearing from you... thank you for making my day!